February 21, 2011

Stand Up!

Journal 3-4

               Last week I was very curious about the results of Bystander Experiments. I was curious as to what the statistics were? After much research, the answer has been found!
               Many similar "Bystander Effect" Experiments have been conducted over history. They all received a variety of specific number results, but the trends in the numbers were similar. It has been found that  
greater the number of people present, the less likely people are to help a person in distress. When an emergency situation occurs, observers are more likely to take action if there are few or no other witnesses. If someone sees a large amount of people not helping, they will be more likely to move on and assume that nothing is wrong. They pass on the blame to the others in the crowd.

               This past week in class, we continued our discussion of the Bystander Effect. We studied more real life examples, as well as some more experimental results. All in all it was a very interesting and informative week!

               This week, I was actually able to speak up and take action during an event instead of becoming a bystander. It sounds like a very generic event, but it actually did happen. During one of my classes, there was a group of students talking about and making fun of some other students in the same grade. They were saying how bad their new haircut looked, or how horribly they dresses, and began to make up rude nick-names for them. Even though they were not talking about me, it still hurt me. I have been bullied before in my life, and I know how awful it feels. After I heard these students say those rude comments, I stood my ground and told them to stop. I said," Stop it. You are being so rude and immature. It is horrible to talk about other people that way, so stop." Then I walked away, and I have not heard them make any comments since then. Through this experience, I have learned that it is a good thing to stand up for what is right, even if the majority is not. I am very happy that I made the decision to stand up. I know it was the right thing to do, and I am very proud of myself. I also know that the others students whom the students were teasing are very glad too.

                The University of Arizona created a program called "Step Up" in order to train it's students to develop the skills to stand up for what is right. The basic goals of STEP UP! are to: raise awareness of helping behaviors, increase motivation to help, develop skills and confidence when responding to threatening behaviors, and ensure the safety and well-being of others. It also lists the Five Steps to take when making a decision: notice the event, interpret the event as a problem/emergency, assume personal responsibility, know how to help, and implement the help (Step Up!). Personally I feel that this is a great program, and JRHS could use on like it. I think it has great intentions and has the potential for success. I do feel though that all JRHS students may not appreciate the program as much as they should. I think that they might just brush it off and not pay any attention to it. I do think that it could maybe be worked into the Leadership Center, and then be expanded into the school from there. If the general public sees others following the program, then hopefully they will too! Just as the Step Up motto says, we would be true leaders and be making a difference!

               After witnessing a form of bullying, I am very curious as to how many people are still bullied in High School, and even Middle and Elementary as well. What is the average number? Also, how many people stand up for others, or do they just become bystanders?

Please stay tuned for the answer next week!


Cherry, K. (2011, February 21). The bystander effect: what is the bystander effect?. Retrieved from http://psychology.about.com/od/socialpsychology/a/bystandereffect.htm

Hosick, M. (2010, December 10). Arizona stands out to step up. Retrieved from http://www.ncaa.org/wps/wcm/connect/public/NCAA/Resources/Latest+News/2010+news+stories/December/Arizona+stands+out+to+Step+Up 

LATANÉ, J. (2011, February 21). Bystander intervention in emergencies: diffusion of responsibility . Retrieved from http://www.wadsworth.com/psychology_d/templates/student_resources/0155060678_rathus/ps/ps19.html 

Scarsbrook, K. (2010, February 24). Anti-bullying day. Retrieved from http://www.thestayathomemother.com/archive/200902
Step up! be a leader. make a difference.. (2011, February 21). Retrieved from http://www.wadsworth.com/psychology_d/templates/student_resources/0155060678_rathus

 Students. (2011, February 21). Retrieved from http://www.stepupprogram.org/students/

1 comment:

  1. I think the Step Up program is a REALLY interesting idea. I'm thinking capstone! The two ways that this could be implemented is either through our PE deptment (maybe 9th grade PE?) or as part of the 9th grade kickoff mentor program. See me and we can talk more about this. I think it would be a great way for LSHIP to have an impact on the school!
